2 Replies

Super Mum

Actually at around that age, my LO also suddenly couldn’t be comforted by my husband. It was a very frustrating time for him. Don’t think it’s the technique or anything, don’t worry. Might be the smell... My husband persisted in carrying my baby when she was in better moods, and of course, he had to pass her to me very often when he couldn’t comfort her. A few weeks later, she became okay with him again. And you know what? When she started to laugh at 3 months+, he was the only one who could make her laugh at first. Not even me. She only smiled at me, but laughed when he played with her. So don’t worry:) and don’t let what others say get you down. Your baby will recognise you better soon, and will be delighted to see you:)

My baby dun mind my breastless hubby. Just keep trying, enjoy your fatherhood. I think your wife will appreciate all your effort

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