My 6 months LO is been very cranky nowadays. Cry and cry no stop. I living with my parents and my grandma is living next unit. When LO cry they always like to.knock my door and will carry LO away or keep knocking until I have to shout at them asking them stop knocking the door. Is irritating when LO is crying and they just keep knocking or talking about superstitious stuff. This and that. I am doing my own parenting they keep on interfering. I feel bad for shouting at my family members but really when LO is crying my patience is all use for my LO.

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There's no way to stop it. People will always have things to say and that they have more experience than you and when you don't listen they start another tread of cos you didn't do this or that that's why baby is like this or that. *roll eyes. Well... No foolproof ways except to lay ground rules. Explain to them your point of view and seek them to respect you as a parent and you deserve the right to be one cos they pass their chance. 6 months onwards is trying months ie weaning, teething, sleep regressions, motor skills development like walking etc. Stay sane mummy. Don't care what others say, it's okay to blow your tops else others will take advantage. =)

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