My 5yo boy loves playing with dolls and makeup and my husband is against it. How do I get him to understand the soft side of my boy? They are not getting along because of this.

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Ask your husband not to have fixated gender-biased views! Actually, we are ingrained with this deep-rooted gender-related differences regarding toys, games, dresses, colors and such. Tell your husband that your son is happy playing with this and that's all what matters. He should be allowed to express himself the way he wants to. Just make your husband understand that nothing is worth creating a distance between children and parents. This bond of love should be unconditional.

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the only way to make your husband understand is by talking to him and explaining that everyone has different feelings and a different way of expressing their emotions. if your boy is not interested in the typical boy toys but likes dolls and makeup, it is just his way of appreciating beauty and aesthetics. if your husband tries to force him to hide his feelings, it can later come out in negative ways and your son can become depressed or even aggressive. do talk to him.

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