How to induce labour naturally ?

5 more days for my due date and had my membrane sweeped 2 days ago. Still no signs of labour. 🥲 suffering with back ache. Is there anything that actually works? I really don’t want to be induced . Pls help . This is my 2nd child; first was induced and normal birth

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during christmas period till last day of the year, I was walking so much due to many parties I attended. 1st Jan I went into labour at 38w5d. my doctor was going to induce me at 39weeks, end up my baby came early 😄 i also did a lot of squats starting from week 37, 20 squats everyday. I did not drink raspberry leaf tea or eat dates. I strongly believe it was the tons of walking and squats that helped 🙏🙏🙏

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I climbed stairs and did sideways like curb walking and my labor started the next day😂 also did those YouTube exercises to engage baby into pelvis for a week before that.. not sure if it really helped

Red raspberry leaf tea. You can drink 1-3 times a day since you are pass 37 weeks. For those who are 28-37 weeks weeks, recommended to drink once a day

Huh... why did you consent to a membrane sweep... Have more dates, walk more do more and do pregnancy exercises! all the best!

1y ago

gbs is not membrane swipe. gbs usually done around 35 weeks.

i heard sitting yoga ball work too maybe you can try it might help with backache also