I just want to rant😭

This is my 4th pregnancy n by far the most shitty one. Endless morning sickness and forever tired n listless. Took dicletin but omg the drowsiness. Today i had an argument with my husband again(duno hw many times alr since the start of this pregnancy). He has an event tonight. N he claimed i was not being supportive. In his eyes, today is supppsed to be a working day. I do home business online. But after lunch, I went straight to bed n nap. I cannot tahan alr bcoz of the drowsy effect from the pill i took this mrn. I was out driving the whole morning. Yes despite me being drowsy. I did not complained. So while he was getting ready just nw, i woke up n just lay down on the bed scrolling down my phone. He asked if i was not goin to send him off. When u r drowsy, u dont really jumped off the bed immediately right? He saw my face n started saying stuffs like im nt being supportive n i dont care at all abt him. I got really confused. I didnt even realised or even know this event is such a huge deal for him until now. So he just packed his stuffs n left the house. He even forward me an article from google "how to be a supportive wife". And ask me to reflect. Wow. How upsetting can that be. In all honesty, i know its bad to say or even think like this. I wish this pregnancy didnt happen. Its causing me n others around me so much inconvenience. So much inconvenience that there was once i had full pad bleeding case,I wouldnt mind if i really miscarriage. All these dark emotions i kept to myself. Never spoke a word to my spouse. N nw I still have another 6 long months to go. 😭 i really have the urge to send him this article below. Im not even asking him for flowers gifts or even attention. Nt even asking for anything. Just dont say or send hurtful things to me is all i ask. https://sogoeslife.com/how-to-be-a-supportive-husband-during-pregnancy/

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