My 4 month old son always suck his hands fingers ,even after feeding him. I m afraid of that later on he will suck his thumb? I dont know how to deal with it

HI, Most of the babies do this. Probably it gives them comfort. Do not worry, with passing days, he will stop doing on its own. I do not think you will have to do anything as in take any measure to stop that. You know, how it happens, at some phases babies cry whole night then they stop on their own, sometimes they do not drink as much milk, etc., and how all things disappear as if these problems were never there. He is just four months and he would not be distracted by things unless you sit beside him and keep showing him things. Yes, making him wear mittens is a good idea.
Read moreEvery time you see him put his hands into his mouth, take them out gently and tell him no. He won't understand and stop it immediately but one day he will know that it is not encouraged behaviour and he will stop. I did that with my girl. I don't allow her to bite her toys too. So she grew up not anyhow picking up and putting stuff into her mouth
Read morePoonam, your baby is a tiny 4 month old and you are right that this can later on lead to regular thumb sucking. the only thing you have to do is keep removing the finger over and over again :) there is really no other way. your baby will want to do it to try and explore, but keep repeating this and gradually he will give up :)
Read moreFirstly divert him when he is on the way to suck fingers. Hand gloves for kids are available in any baby shop. Use those. Change them day by day .don't let him suck his fingers they might push the tooth forward or may cause stomach upset because kids crawl on floor and their hands might be dirty
Hi You can make him wear a mitten so that he is not able to put his thumb in his mouth. Else whenever you notice him doing this...hand over some toy to him. Distract him with toys or something so that he forgets about putting his thumb in mouth.
its a comfort thing and something he can definitely get addicted to. i would suggest you keep removing his hand from his mouth and distract him. also, as another mommy mentioned, make him wear mittens so that he does not put his finger in his mouth.
or u can try to rub lime on his fingers everytime he wanna suck it. baby usually hate sour, so maybe he will stop sucking his fingers.
I'll just ignore. Otherwise offer other alternatives, teethers, blankies, pacifier
hey I'm vipulsarvaiya
Try to give him teethers
Mum of one little cute boy