My 3yo son is obsessed with Peppa Pig. He doesn't even sit properly unless he watches it at least for an hour. If I don't put it on, he starts crying. What should I do?

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You must have set his television watching time, so at the time when he goes to watch television, you take out a wire of it and tell him that the television is not working. And if he happens to see on the laptop or iPad, switch off the Internet in advance and switch on the gadget and when it won't start tell him it is not working. But the catch is, do not tell him like a mother that it is not working. Tell him as if you too are obsessed with Peppa Pig and it is also a big sad news for you that the gadget is not working. Fret and pretend to cry that Oh! God what would you do now? Thump your foot in exasperation, and pretend to make calls to his dad or television guys that you are very angry and will tear the world in two pieces if Peppa Pig doesn't come. :) I think this will do the trick. Keep repeating the trick for a few days and soon he will get over it.

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