37 weeks 4 days pregnant, 1cm dilated. 😫😫😫 so nervous Any idea, by this week give birth?
37 weeks 4 days pregnant, 1cm dilated. 😫😫😫 so nervous Any idea, by this week give birth?

I was week 38 and 6 daes when i feel regular contractions and went hosp rite away. I skipped the last appts and had nvr tested for dilation. When i reached, i was only ard 1.5cm dilated. And i was like pfft really? I was already in pain but only 1.5cm? cz i really dont wanna be induced. But, like ard 10 mins later, i was already 4cm dilated!! so fast. at 9am, i did epidural, and by 120pm plus i was already 10cm dilated . so thats my experience. i gave birth 2 weeks ago 🤗
Read moreDepends on individuals. 1cm dilated is actually very normal at 37 weeks. Does not mean you'll go into labour anytime soon. Some may deliver on the same day, some may take time hours, days or maybe weeks. Do more squats, do more walking, climb stairs. It helps to dilate quickly.

1cm is a way of your body to tell you it’s ready for labour. Does not mean it will happen anytime soon. Just relax and if you happen to deliver.. your baby is fully grown now! All the best!
but yesterday got a bit of blood on my pad..... hais. cant wait to him to come out already 🥺🥺🥺
some stayed 1cm for months. just remb to keep a lookout.
hi, I'm 36+4, how u know u r 1cm dilated?
been having alot of cramps from stomach area to my bottom part. straight away i went to kkh delivery suite and check. open 1cm only and went home :/