1cm dilated
Hi mummies, iam 37 weeks 3 days now Iam already 1cm dilated and having terrible aches around my hips area n tightening at my stomach area too... What shall I do... Can I just wait till spotting n water bag burst or just walk in to kkh n request for Induce labor? Is induced labor dangerous for the little one??

Induce will only be done if there's a need to otherwise your gynae won't allow you to do it. I'm a mum of 5. I've had both normal & induced delivery (done on Feb) and honestly they felt the same to me. You won't feel a thing when you're being induced. Depends on individuals pain threshold of course - It's the contractions that is painful not the induction. There's always epidural, if you cannot cope with the pain. All 5 births via vaginal delivery feels the same to me, normal or induced. Don't let other people scare you with stories about painful induction. It is not. Normal to feel braxton hicks which is what you describe. Contractions gets very intense and you'll normally feel pain on your lower back and your belly. Just wait until you see the labour signs - diarrhea, mucus plug, waterbag leak/broke, contractions (this is the most obvious sign). Call the delivery suite first and heed their advice, if they want you to come down or not, otherwise you'll be turned down and will be ask to go home if there's no sign of contractions or your cervix dilated.
Read moreTypically gynae won't agree to induce unless there's really a need for baby to come out alr. It's normal to have those aches and tightening. I had tt all the way till 39+ wks but still 1cm dilated so I decided to go for elective csect since baby was alr 3.8kg by then. Induction isn't really dangerous but known to be more painful than natural labour. Hang in there mummy!
Read morewait till the aches get stronger n intense .. wudnt recco induce as jumpstart labour .. let it come naturally. u can walk in to kkh triage check if it's contraction are 1 hour irregular they will help to sweep membrane
Induce is veryy painful.. unless u dont mind going thru that i suggest you wait for real contractions.. aches and tightening are very normal at this stage
just have to wait...
Momsy of 1 active girl and 1 chubby boy