Hi, My 21 month old son is interested to eat cement & color pieces. I gave him a lot of Medicines but all of these methods are fail to stop him to eat earth dust, color & cement. He has passed black colored stool also. And he has too much jiddii & aggressive behavior also. So please give me some ideas for improving his habits.

Hi, I know it is a matter of concern to find your kid eating cement, sand, mud, etc., as it can make the kid unwell. You know, developmentally it is appropriate for your kid to put anything they lay hands on, to put in mouth. Since, they do not know anything about germs, bacteria, dirt, they do not eat things which they accidentally put in mouth and do not taste good. But sometimes, they put some bad thing in mouth and they happen to like its taste or texture. But as kids grow the problems gets solved and repaired on it sown and by your consistent guidance. This problem is a concern if the kid continues to eat mud, sand, cement, etc., even till their primary school years, and then this is called Pica, and is related to nutritional deficiency of calcium, zinc, or iron in the body. You can see the doctor and see what he says. As far his aggressive behaviour is concerned then it might be that he is suffering from some nutritional deficiency and all this is happening because of that. Also, kids go through many phases and being stubborn, irritable, aggressive is one of them. You would know if it is a phase or not. As if he was fine until a few weeks or months and his behaviour has just changed then this is a phase and will pass. You need to have patience and try and engage him in activities and give him toys etc to be engaged. You can play nice music for him. Music calms you down and it will do the same for your baby as well. Do not scold your baby too much or do not say, too much "NO" to him. When he is doing something wrong, instead of scolding him, distract him to something so that he forgets about what he was doing. Your patience and love and getting him engaged will help a lot in correcting his behaviour. Instead of being preachy, do things with him. Participate in plays with him.
Read morethis definitely looks like a calcium deficiency. i would suggest you keep checking with the doctor and go for proper medical treatment. also, try diverting your child as much as you can, and always be around. never leave him unattended, as it is already quite a matter of concern. and yes, please be patient and do not yell, but try explaining to your child that eating these can call the insects in his tummy, or something like that which may make him stop.
Read morei definitely feel it is some deficiency and that is why your baby is getting attracted towards eating all this. don't scold but try to distract your baby. also, never leave your baby unattended at any time. get in touch with the doctor immediately to take required steps for treatment.
Queen of 1 curious boy