3 Replies

Hello! It's perfectly normal for your baby's poop pattern to change after receiving the rotavirus vaccine. It's common for babies to have changes in their bowel movements or poop frequency after vaccinations. The rotavirus vaccine can sometimes cause mild changes in stool patterns, such as decreased frequency. If your baby is otherwise healthy, feeding well, and doesn't seem to be in distress, there's usually no need to worry. However, if you notice any other concerning symptoms or if the changes persist for an extended period, it's best to consult with your pediatrician for reassurance and guidance. Remember to continue feeding your baby as usual and keep an eye on any other changes in behavior or health. If you have any further concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider. Your baby's well-being is the most important thing, and it's great that you're paying attention to these details. Keep up the good work! https://invl.io/cll6she

Hello, is ur baby bf or formula? as far as I know it’s okay to have 1 poop once a day. My baby is 2 months & everyday she will only have 1 poop. Sometimes she won’t poop for 2 days max. My baby is formula fed. It is normal!

my bb is fully BF. she poop very frequently hence I am worried of the sudden change to none a day 😅 it's fine I will monitor again next few days. thanks!

poop every 2~3hrs? is it alot per time? mine poop twice the max a day, mixed feeding of bm + fm lo will poop everyday and can be in huge amount

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