2 Months Old Baby

Hi. My 2 months old baby love to watch tv.. Is it ok?

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Boleh tengok buku kesihatan bayi.. ada bahagian panduan ibubapa.. no screentime bawah 2 tahun.. cek balik.. better banyakkan aktiviti fizikal macam tummy time..

wah baby 2 month da pandai tengok tv 😅😅 .. baby saya 2 month asik tidur je . baby watch tv its ok but jgn kerap .

better dont get your baby to used to watching tv. still too early for tv. get him toys that can stimulate baby senses.

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Hi mommy. Better jgn kerap bagi. Sbb baby tgh belajar sense. Takut dia terleka tak sedar kalau dipanggil.

Baby usually attracted to something with bright color or moving things like from tv

Better jangan biasakan...

mine too huhu