3 Replies

My LO was drinking about that amount at 1 month old and also reflux is pretty normal for babies. I'm not sure how the feeding is like but here are just some suggestions to help: To help your baby spit up less often, try: - Hold LO in a more upright position while feeding - Burping LO more frequently, after every 10ml - 15ml - Making sure the hole in your bottle's nipple is not too large (for bottle-fed babies). If milk continues to drip out when you turn the bottle upside down, the hole is probably too large. Try replacing the nipple with one with a smaller hole - Keeping your baby in an upright position after eating. Lying flat on a full stomach can lead to spit-up - Avoiding too much activity immediately after feeding

Once removed milk bottle from her mouth she will cry, so I find it quite hard to burp her every 10ml to 15ml. Sometimes she lose suction she will stopped drinking.

Does she drink this amount per feed? Or through the day? At just one month, her tummy is still really small so if it's this amount per feed, maybe it's a bit too much? Try reducing a bit and see if she does't throw up so much. Also, it's normal for babies to bring up some milk after a feed. If you think she's bringing up way too much, it's better to see a doctor, given how young she is.

Yes she's drinking 100~110ml per feed. I realise nowadays she cannot finish her milk, so I'm giving her 80~90ml.

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How often is her feed? 100ml seems ok for a 1 month old. Burp her in between the feed so she can expel whatever air is trap inside so she would not be so full and bloated

Every 2-2.5h.

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