handful year old

my 14mth dd always spits out her porridge! idk what or how to stop her from creating a big mess! is very stressful for me as my MIL give a look like I cannot be a good mother... my girl throws tantrums and lie on the floor.. is this just a phase???

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Super Mum

At 14 mths, I strapped my daughter to her high chair and she had to stay there till the meal was over. She could throw tantrums, but she still had to sit there and learn the discipline of staying put till we were done. As for eating, my elder daughter was really picky as well. Sometimes we gave up and let her hold or shake things (tissue box, Gerber puff container, etc) to distract her while we fed her. Sometimes we would scold her. But throughout that time, I was also gradually tweaking her food, because I realised that she liked crispy/crunchy food more than mushy soft things. So as we adjusted her food, she also started eating better. For my second daughter, she was so intrigued with her sister’s rice that she also started eating some rice at 8 months 😂 even before we’ve started porridge for her. She also takes baby noodles, pasta and all. The LOs usually are more willing to experiment with different flavours and textures of food till 18 months old (they’re even more picky after that!) so you may consider trying:) Baby noodles has worked really well for both my kids so far. Hope things get better soon:)

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