My 1 yr old does not like to drink milk. He drinks about 300ml of milk in total during the day and latches at night (but my supply is not much). We've tried Karihome goat milk, Similac, Friso and Mamil Gold. Any suggestions or alternatives to get him to up his milk intake? Thanks in advance.

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Actually I read in an article some time back (by dietitians but I can't find it now) that there is no need to try to give fm as after 1 year old, most of the nutrients source should be coming from the solids that they are taking. So if you are worried about calcium or XX, the child has some intake of milk or seek other sources - see the link for some suggestions for calcium sources: Fm for past 1 yo with all the fanciful labels about having this and that may hinder ur child to like real food. Depends if u giving cereal (can use milk) or making purée (can add milk) or add child's favorite fruit purée to the milk and make it a X-flavored milk, or put it in child's favorite sippy cup to drink Jia you :)

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