4 Replies

You will have to slowly wean him off and not abruptly stop feeding him. Reduce the time of his feed first. Like if you are feeding him for 10 minutes then reduce this time to say 8 minutes, 5 minutes and do on. Then you can reduce the number of feedings. If he asks for feed initially do not altogether avoid it but give him for a lesser time. Eventually HD would wean off. You need to understand that your feed is more of an emotional bonding for him that he misses when he doesn't take feed...so it will take time for him to adapt to new thing.

thank u so much

Let the process of warning be slow. You just can not be in a rush and expect the baby to wean one fine day. Breastfeeding provides emotional strength to the baby and once he is kept away from being breastfed, he becomes nervous and scared. I think, you can slow down the process of weaning and day by day reduce his time of feeding and eventually reduce the time and number of feedings. It will take sometime, and I think you should give your baby that time so that the weaning becomes a non-harrowing process both for you and your baby.

Breastfeeding is one of the biggest comfort and safety phases for babies so ul have to be really gentle in weaning. Instead of stopping suddenly I'd say reduce the number of feeds and try adding small meals here and there. Distract ur baby if needed. At 1 year, u can keep ur baby involved in various games and activities while u feed him.
