What should I prepare for birth?
My EDD is in October and I feel like I have yet to prepare anything! My gynae says that I can let her know about my birth plan during the next check up at 28 weeks. Is there anything else I should prepare for except for the necessities? Should I sign up for a class for hypnobreathing, birthing class to mentally prep my mind? Please share! #advicepls #firstbaby
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Decreasing appetite in week 17
Had increasing appetite when I reached week 13, and now it’s decreasing back again. I used to it 3 meals and drinks in between but now I can’t even fully eat a McDonald’s burger and drink water together! I would puke if I ate more than a burger and drink water after that. Is this normal? It should be the hormones doing it’s work right? Any mum’s faced or is facing the same thing? #1stimemom #firstbaby #pregnancy
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Hi mummies! Am currently in week 12, almost to the 13th week. The app shows that my smell will be increasing and more sensitive to surroundings. Which I have been expediting making me gag even more 😭 When does the smell slowly go down? Do mummies experience lesser (stronger) smells in the 2nd trimester? Been so tired holding my breath and gagging all the time 😭 help a mummy out! #advicepls #firstbaby #pregnancy #worryingmom
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Hi mummies! Do you follow your cravings if you have during your first trimester? Or do you play safe and eat only what you can? I’ve been eating what I’ve been craving for, but sometimes everything comes out. Should I do a meal plan to eat healthily or just eat whatever my body accepts at the moment? #pregnancy #1stimemom #advicepls #firstbaby
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Hello! Am currently on my week 8 going to 9. The doctor has already pre-empted me and my husband that the nausea is going to be worst during these few weeks. Everything I breathe in makes me gag and everything I eat just comes out 😭 Do share your experience on your nauseating week(s) and how you managed to overcome it please! 🥲🥴#advicepls #1stimemom #pregnancy
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Drinking cold drinks during pregnancy
Hello guys! I’m at my week 8 currently going to week 9 and I am currently experiencing this weird aversion to warm water and only want to drink cold water. Anything cold I can swallow, anything warm makes me puke 🥲 Is this alright? Because I know drinking cold drinks is not good while pregnant right? #advicepls #firstbaby
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