Hi my baby is 5mo & she doesnt like it when we do tummy time. Tried to distract her with toys even wet wipes she will only last for a few seconds and starts crying and shows that she’s uncomfortable. I tried to teach her to turn her head to side if she’s tired but she resists. She doesnt ahow any interest or attempts to roll or flip. She only love to stand and sit. She even tried walking but with my support of course. She likes to stand and hold the edge of the table (with my support as well) Is it normal for her to skip certain milestones? Does any mummies experience this with their babies? Am i being too paranoid that she doesnt turn or flip or have tummy time like others? Sorry im a FTM & these things makes me worry everytime someone ask me if she started flipping or not 🥲#advicepls #firstbaby
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Scratching head while sleeping
Hi im a FTM and my baby is 4 months old and she love to scratch her head while sleeping. She will stop once she is in deep sleep but it does distrup her sleep. I have to hold her arm or hand to stop her from scratching. She doesnt have an ear infection or cradle cap or any sensitive skin. When she was 2 weeks old i did shave her head as psrt of religion and now her hair is growing well and healthy. Is it because her hair is growing longer thats why its itchy?Does any mummies experience time before? What should i do? Is it normal? #1stimemom #firstbaby
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