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Dear mummies Anyone has experience with Presbyterian community service childcare at Bukit Batok Blk 116? Thanks in advance!
Hi all, I am thinking to change my girl from child care to pcf which is half day school. Recently my girl been crying a lot n don't want go school. Checked with teacher n they said nothing wrong. I am now in a dilemma whether changing to pcf would b better. Anyone can advise? Thanks.
Hi. Anyone enrolled their kids in mulberry learning centre? How much is the monthly cost for 18mths childcare?
" My domestic helper's been an awesome help but can't continue. She's v close to my kids, in a good way. How do you "tell" your toddlers that auntie (domestic helper) is leaving and will not come back? My baby is only 2.
How would you reply your preschool Daughter if she ask" papa, mummy, why do boys stand up to pee and girls sit down to pee?" "What are those bumps on your chest, mummy?"
Hi Parents. My girl is currently at Nursery level full day program at My First Skool. I have just received MOE kindergarten letter to notify a placement for her in Jan 2018. Need to response whether to accept the placement by end of May. In dilemma whether to switch. I have selected the AM session at Moe kindergarten so school will start from 8am to 12noon. After which she will be brought to the MOE kindergarten care (kcare) till 7pm. I'm more concerned on the language skill. As our family is mandarin speaking, my girl does not have a good foundation of English. And she's not exposed to reading at home (I'm starting soon) Although now she can speak basic English and able to understand and communicate with current teachers and friends. Which school will be better if my concern is to build up and improve on my girl's English. By the way, she is turning 4 years old end may. Also, any guidance on how I can start at home teaching my girl the languages and interest in reading? I'm really clueless. My work require me to work late even at home. My kids will be asleep by then so it's tough to bond let alone teach. I have a 2 yr old son, very active. During weekend, it's also hard to find time to teach my girl as my son will be disturbing us. Hubby at work so I can't leave my son alone. Any idea how I can teach my girl without having my son disturbing. Sorry for my long post......
We found a new childcare nearby we like. Whats the procedure to go about withdrawing lo from present childcare? And how long after do we wait to register at the new one?
Anyone has reviews on star learners (Bedok outlet)? Thinking to send LO now that she's 18 mths old
hi to all mommies and daddies.. im divorced and ex give $200 monthly.. im wondering is it ok if i ask him to help to pay some of school stuff? like this upcoming, school wants to let the kids learn ballet.. but my is boy.. does it matter? and so im thinking is it ok to ask from ex hub to pay for it.. and last time is reading material and i borrowed from my sis to pay.. thanks..
any mummies with 1 child and do not send to CC? as i m a ftwm may stop at one I m wondering if it's not so gd if i send to kindy instead as he only has grandparents company in the afternoon..hope to hear from yr experience:) note: pls don ask me to consider having more kids :P