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breech position 28 weeks
hi, i have a question for all mummies here currently 28 weeks pregnant but baby is in a breech position. got told off by doctor that if by my 32nd appointment baby is still breech, might have to choose csection instead which i would prefer to avoid at all cost due to financial and current household situation as no one would be able to support me physically if i were to end up with csect. any vids or ways that has worked out for mummies who were having baby in breech position but by 32nd week++ baby ended up head down? my firstborn were in the head-first position from 28 weeks onwards so im quite nervous about my 2nd pregnancy 🫠
More discharge during pregnancy
Hi moms, im currently 6months pregnant. I seem to have more discharge now before i was pregnant and was wondering if it is normal? If it is, is there any way that i can reduce this discharge as it kind of bothers me..
Itching at my genitals at Week 15. Is it normal?
Past few days have been experiencing itch at genital area after urinating. Not sure the cause of it. Am worried if I should go get a check or scan. Anybody faces this issue during pregnancy?
Baby’s position at 28 weeks.
Hello all! Im a first time nervous mummy here. Just went for my 28 weeks scan and baby is still in a breech position. Im kindda nervous as i have 3 more weeks before the next scan and if my baby’s still in breech position i might need to schedule czer. Could you all kindly share your experience at what week your baby’s head down and your experience? Or if you have any recommendation on what to do to encourage baby to turn head down? SOS HELP A NERVOUS MUMMY OUT 🫶🏼🙏🏽😊
what to pack in hospital bag for ftm?
i'm not sure what KKH will provide other than formula milk, diapers and wet wipes for the baby. can experienced moms share what is to be brought whether its for natural/c-sect? i've been seeing videos on my fyp to prepare padsickles but these are mostly from moms in the US. is it really helpful or just wait til discharge?
I'm about 27 wks ++ and I'm experiencing insomnia most of my nights. Is this normal?
Struggling to have quality sleep. Need advice pls.
Baby kicks
I am currently 28w2d and I get paranoid if I do not get to feel the baby kicks. Does anyone feel the same way too? I understand we should monitor every 2 hours.
Week 26, my nose feels dry
Hi mummies, it's been a week since I feel that my nose is dry that it sometimes bleed if I pick on my nose. Is this normal?
Travelling at 30 weeks
Hello! I am planning to travel when baby is around 30-31 weeks. Flight is only 3 hours. Any tips?
23 weeks and so tired
Currently 23 weeks pregnant with an 18 month old. I am so tired from the pregnancy itself plus having to attend to a toddler is draining my soul. I’ve heard some say it’s harder to be pregnant with a toddler rather than having a newborn and a toddler. Please tell me if it’s true because I am so exhausted to the point of crying.