Your fave sexual position?
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On top! - I like being in charge
Bottom - I let my spouse do the work

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I feel better when I'm on top because I can control when it's getting hurt down there. When my husband is on top or he's the one who do the work I always feel pain on my vagi. Don't know why.

male sitting on chair and women on penis because it gives full penetrating pleasure and men can control his ejaculation due to brains alertness

On top is sexy. Hahahaa. 🤣🤣🤣 Like a riding horse 🐴🐴🐴 this is funneyh!

Doggie style and i like to be on top 🙈🙈🙈

dont know how to answer this.. 😂😂😂

I like to have sex in standing position

Both and also doggy style 🤩🤩🤩

he does it better😍❤

😆 on top on bottom sometimes!

VIP Member

He does it better being on top!