Is travel insurance worth buying?
Is travel insurance worth buying?
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Yes! You never know what will happen!
No lah - waste of money!
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Insurance is planning for that one incident which will change your life if you are not prepared

The last thing you want to have your holiday ruin by an accident, which will ruin your plans

VIP Member

Everytime I travel I make it compulsory to get one. You won't know should anything happens

Sometimes you really dont have a choice, it comes with applying for a Visa

Yes. I have lost my items before and glad that I bought travel insurance.

It is always better to take all types of insurance if you can afford to

Claim twice, both due to car damage. If not, burn a big hole..

The one time you don’t buy it will be the time you need it!

VIP Member

Yes, especially lost, delayed luggages/ flight.. Can claim

So far nothing happened but I always make sure to buy