Feeling depressed and upset 😢
Hi working mummies! Currently I’m 35 weeks pregnant gg to give birth soon. As my due date is coming nearer, I feel so down, pressured, stressed, out of place idk. Even though I’m able to wfh, I still feel unmotivated and I just feel sad. Do you ever feel the same way too? Any tips for me to boost my mood or make me feel any bette? I want to feel happy on my last lap of my pregnancy. :(

It’s okay Mummy! Stay positive and rest as much as u can! Try have some chit chat with close friends or family, it does help a lot! 😊 If possible, get your gynae issue you some HL to rest yah! I also experienced e same when I carried my firstborn in 2021.. (now with second) I had no one with me (WFH) and my husband is front-liner so I’m always all alone at home even till e day before I delivered.. I went through all e Braxton Hicks myself, covering myself under e blanket and cry for 2 weeks over e pain.. Still have to buy food for lunch (cos I don’t like food delivery).. I even had food poisoning and had to go hospital alone when hubby not around and all these while I am still working despite is at home.. The worse thing was other than my own family care about me, no one from my husband’s like my MIL don’t bother if I am alive and dead.. (She really one kind) Which I actually had postnatal depression after i delivered but luckily I recovered! Thanks to my close girl friends being my listening ears.. I made it through my firstborn pregnancy, I’m sure u can too! Be happy Mummy!
Read moreHihi, I'm currently 35 weeks, and this is my 3rd pregnancy. My 1st was delivered unexpectedly at 35 weeks, so I had no time to feel anything. My 2nd was delivered at 37 weeks. So, from 35 weeks to 37 weeks, I was so lethargic (I was a big momma for my 2nd pregnancy) and still actively working. Although I don't feel down, pressured, and blue, I do feel nervous and anxious with the waiting game. Scared if I feel contractions at work. How I solve that - I just dive deep into my work and get myself busy with work things. Now, this pregnancy, I feel the same as my 2nd pregnancy - anxious and worried in this waiting game. It doesn't help cos I was put on HL (Dr recommended HL cos my labours have always been fast and short) and my workplace prefers that I rest rather than wfh. How I solve this - I wash all my baby clothes. Prepare all the baby things needed. Do housework. Watch Netflix after Disney+ just to keep myself occupied. 🤣🤷🏽♀️
Read moreI feel you so badly and even worst when I had covid during pregnancy. My hubs was there all along.. I mean at the end of the day, it’s him who will be there even though he’s busy. I literally had no one to talk to. I have and my baby.. I cried and stressed. Feeling depressed. Eat what makes you happy as long it doesn’t affect your baby! Lie down and rewatch any movie. Just your moment with your upcoming baby. See pretty things such as babies video.. tummy rub yourself and pat yourself and say don’t go too hard on yourself. I wish I am at your situation again now and wouldn’t want to be stress again bc I was surrounded with some toxic people even worst, it’s my in laws and my fam were not really there when I’m craving or down. I would love to enjoy my moment with my baby in my tummy ❤️❤️❤️
Read moreHi mummy!! I feel you! What i did was, i talked to my gynae to put me on HPL until my EDD. Explained to him the stress level im facing plus the non stop baby kicks.. just explained to your gynae what u are facing. On the other hand, have a me time with your baby.. talk to your baby and tell them how much we love them, how much we cherish this moment, how much we gonna miss having them in our tummy! And also! Have a me time on urself mummy! Cool ur mind, watching netflix, music etc.. its really normal to have emotions playing arnd at the end of our trimester.. once u give birth, everything changes! 😂😂😂😂 always tell urself and baby, "WE DID THIS TOGETHER!" Be happy mummy! Sending love!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Read moreits okay to feel anxiety few weeks before edd.. meetup with "real" good friends to chitchat or go shopping or watch more fun shows for laughter & to take your mind off things.. also, be sure to have communicated with hubs what you expect of him to help out after welcoming bb into your lives.. the 1st 3 mths will be tough because of irregular timing feeds and not used having bb and learning the ropes as it goes.. so it is VERY impt to have a supportive hubs or relative who really can help you out during this period..
Read moreI’m same week as you and also feeling a bit down at times. For me, it’s probably anxious and scare cos my first baby so not sure how it will turns out if I go into labour. Haha maybe all e uncertainties add to my anxiety. Plus e frequent toilet visits at night makes me insomnia too. Of cos we are excited on the arrival of Bb but also feels slightly down. I think just needs to stay cheerful as everything will goes well. We all hope to have a happy baby. Cheers ☺️
Read moreI’m on my 36 weeks going 37 weeks in few days. Sometimes feel sad but i combat it with work and Netflix. Sadly, I’m still working in the office, only going to start my ML on the 20th Jan which is like 2 weeks before my LO arrive. We can do this momma, last lap of pregnancy. Very anxious for me as it’s my firstborn 🤲🏼💓
Read moredon't be worried. the journey is tough but having your baby in your arms and his milestones soon after will be rewarding. stay happy and strong.
Tell the doctor how you are feeling on your next appointment ok! Its pregnancy blues they call it..