Helper or Infant Care - post confinement plans?

Hi working mommies! (Especially those able to work from home) Would like to know what you have opted for and why - as my hubs and I are on the fence about engaging either option after we are done with the 28 days confinement with nanny. Option 1: engage full time helper to help with caring for baby and house chores Option 2: send to infant care and engage part time helper to come by twice a week (Wed, Sat)

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Hi J There’s no best answer I think. I sent my eldest (currently pregnant with Second one) to childcare but there’s pros and cons of both. Option 1: If u are lucky enough to get a good helper then it will be best. As you are currently wfh u can also be less worried of how ur helper is treating your child. But helper is not trained to handle infant/ kids. May just sit whole day accompanying ur child watching YouTube. But pros is less chance of ur child catching virus from others in childcare. Option 2: I personally feel kids that goes to childcare achieve milestones faster than kid who does not. Unless u have the time to do activities with him/her at home. Cons; be prepared to juggle work and child caring as your kid will be sick very often!

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3y ago

Thank you for answering, Jaclyn! Very insightful. What you mentioned is exactly what I was also thinking - there’s really no best option. My husband and I will just need to consider all the pros and cons

I was more pro IFC previously, but after asking around, I think helper makes more sense financial wise. Sending to IFC and hiring a part time helper would cost more than hiring a full time helper. I’ll also be wfh to keep an eye on things.

I’m gg for a helper first because IFC will need to wait for some time. And I have a dog so helper can assist !

i personally don’t prefer a helper. will go for ifc option.