How to manage a heavy tummy during 29 weeks?
Hi, wondering if you have any advice to manage the pregnancy bump in week 29, I feel tired easily when I walk just a little and feel like bending forward as the baby just feels slightly heavy to manage somehow. #advicepls #firsttime_mommy
Consider going swimming or some simple back stretching exercises to strengthen your back. It will help you reduce bending forward as your back gains strength to sit and stand more straight. Some light exercise and stretching also helps u have easier labor. Can research YouTube for pregnancy safe back stretches :)
Read moreMommy it’s common .. don’t bend too much , take someone’s help. It will grows more bigger in coming weeks. Coz ur baby is growing too .. just enjoy this phase .
hi mummy! it's normal to feel easily tired when pregnant. instead of bending forward, squatting is better :) take care!
Swimming and massage helps to take off some tension and aches. It’s Normal to feel tired just take things east
Wear proper shoes if you are going out. Balance is def off :/ and joints are loose too. 💪🏼💪🏼
Try using a belly support belt. It will help your posture and reposition the weight a little
I use a belly support does help me to ease my back ache not so bad.
Use a belly binder to help hold the bump