At what age do babies start walking?

my 1st stated walling at 14 months my 2nd at 11 months . best to let baby take their time. amd not skip a step. like some babies don't crawl parents are pushing the kids to walk. shouldn't be that way.
Read moreUsually, the timeframe is 1 year +/- 2 months. However, all babies are different and some might just take their own sweet time in pacing up :) Not a reason to worry as long as the doc is unworried.
different babies start to walk at different age. mine at 17mths but not to worry. because he is healthy as what doctor mentioned. so just encourage him to walk and hold his hand as much as you can.
Depends on individual babies, I have seen some as early as 9 months (no crawling and started walking) to as late as 2 yrs old before they start walking. My boys started walking at 1 yr old :)
It depends on the child's development, mine started walking around 10month, some started early some started late. But as long as you know your child's normal, no worries :)
every baby develops differently. for my gal she start walk at 10 month old . but my nephew at 16 month. as long they are active it ok. some will start early some.start late
mine stand unassisted at 7.5mth, 1st step around 2weeks later. walking around the house like a penguine at 8.5mths already. super fast
About 1 year old. But it really depends on each kid's development. Some kids develop speech faster than motor skill
Different baby has different progress. Average ard 10 to 12 mths. some longer. ie my son walks at ard 15 mths :)
different babies progress differently . 3of my kids started walking around 12mths old.