Why my one year old son don't want eat :( porridge don't want :( baby noodles also don't want, macaroni also don't want, when feed him, he will turn his head turn way or hit the food :( away

My 1 year old eat almost everything but there are some days he doesn't eat much n choose to eat funny things instead. So I usually have to like have an option for him ... if unluckily today he doesn't want to eat the eg, noodles I've cooked, I'll offer eg, bread to see if he will take... but today he doesn't want noodles, he will take tml. It all depends on his mood
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Food strike? You seem to be very troubled about this. Why don't seek professional advice to see what's the problem?
maybe to actually find out if it's just a habit or something is wrong?
try to make meal.times fun or into a game. also let them control what they want to eat and taste.
Mom of one little naughty boy