Nasal aspirator
At which week of newborn can we start using nasal aspirator? My baby is coming to 3 weeks old and since last week i notice he always has a thick stretchy white mucus inside his nose.

Used a cotton bud to gently try pry it out, and then use a saline drop. PD prescribed me RINz saline drops which you can find on shopee or pharmacy, cheap. It’s meant for the eyes but for infants, drip one drop per nostril and it should clear up the mucus. Don’t use too frequently though as it may thin the natural mucus lining. only when necessary.
Read moreI use manual pump type from taobao, it doesn’t insert into the nostrils and my baby loves it since she was about that age. I also got pigeon sticky cotton bud, easier to just “stick” the boogers out
tis is normal. my kid 3 months n I never use at all she goes ifc, has blocked nose and cough, but it's natural growing up. just do more tummy time and it will come out.
Read moreI use baby nose tweezer but be careful
I use sterimar it works wonder!!