B1 or B2+ at KKH
Which is better?? I ever take B2 that is 6 bedded and I can literally hear other Mummies snoring and baby crying... Till I get to scared to sleep... Need opinions pls...

B1 is private rate, B2 is subsidised. Of course B1 has less people in the same room but there are still others there. A1 is single bedder but that’s also more expensive. I guess if you’re only staying for 1 night, then you’ll have to weigh between spending more but having only your baby crying (plus your own toilet) vs spending less but having more ambient noise and sharing the facilities.
Read moreApart from just the stay, the gynae aspect as well. If you take B1 ward, a gynae will be there during your delivery, if you take B2+ ward, it is considered subsidized and a medical officer will be there to check on you during labour. The whole labour process is usually guided by a midwife, and the medical officer (MO) will only be called in during emergency.
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Mum of 2 beautiful girls