Which baby carriers have the best material for SG's hot and humid weather?

Can I suggest u join babywearing singapore Facebook? There are many reviews there base on brand if I go to the photo albums - u will see it - many many reviews. If u are just ok w any - then the Tula or the ergo both have mesh versions. For wrap conversion carriers, u have to see what is wrap made of, cotton only is comfy but not much strength - which some linen or hemp or bamboo content will have. Canvas will usually be hotter. But frankly, I am seldom in a non - air con place and it's not as if I am going to be out that long or walking in the park in the afternoon. But if u are scared of heat kind, mesh, linen, hemp, bamboo contents are going to help
Read moreThere are a variety of wraps that are popular among mummies in Singapore like the Emeibaby, Koby wrap, Meitai or just purchasing cooling materials (length according to your body size) and using them as wraps or slings. I would recommend you choose wraps that are made from cotton rather than wool or silk which are warmer and harder to care for. If you are looking for a structured carrier, the ergobaby sport is a good choice as well. The front is slit-vented which is cooling for baby.
Read moreYou can consider getting tula mesh carriers. Tula is available at the baby fair happening at expo till tomorrow. You can go down to take a look and try on the carrier ◡̈ There are other brands of carrier there too, but i’m not too sure if they have mesh carriers. But no harm going down to take a look and try the brands available there. Cause all on sale. https://www.facebook.com/events/332276840614040/?ti=icl
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I have a Pognae which is a soft structured carrier with a compartment which can be zipped down to reveal a mesh layer. My go-to carrier is a Lennylamb which is converted from a woven wrap and it's cooling as well.
I am a big fan of Bjorn. there are any models that are made with lightweight, breathable material that is great for tropical conditions.
Why don't you consider Tula Mesh? It has a mesh material which is suitable for singapore humid weather
I am using Chicco which I got from India and it’s just fine
you can try soulsling. Its afordable then tula or ergo.
Mumsy of 1 playful doll