Where to buy cheap FM? My baby is taking Enfagrow Stage 3. thanks.

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I didn't really do a price comaparison but here are some ways to get FM at a discount. - Kim Sang Medical Hall, they offered it lower than retail and more discount if but in bulk. For certain brands, you get additional 50cents off if you return the empty tin back to them. http://luvbabies.kimsang.com.sg/ - Discount coupons from e-commerce store. The last time honest bee offered $40 off every $120 purchase. I basically save at least 30% for my FM. - Look out for baby fairs, the retailers sometimes offer discount at the fair. There is a fair this Friday at Singapore Expo, you may want to check it out. I will usually stock up my FM at least 6m to 1year supply if I find a good deal which helps to save some money.

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