Where's the best place to get acupuncture done in Mandaluyong? Are there any specific things a first-timer should know about the procedure?
Acupuncture works by stimulating specific points on or near the surface of the skin, called acupuncture points. These points have high concentrations of nerve endings, mast cells, lymphatics and capillaries, all capable of triggering biochemical and physiological changes in the body, from the subtle to the dramatic. Here's a link that you may find useful: http://www.starofservice.ph/dir/national-capital-region/mandaluyong/mandaluyong/acupuncture-service#/
Magbasa paI haven't personally tried acupuncture but a friend of mine said that one should make sure the acupuncturist is well-experienced. She know someone who had the service from a less-experienced acupuncturist and it ended really bad. Be wary of the possible negative effects like organ injury, soreness and infection. For leads, you may check this list from Yelp: https://en.yelp.com.ph/search?cflt=acupuncture&find_loc=Mandaluyong%2C+1550+Metro+Manila
Magbasa paHi there, I would like to recommend Dr Fatima Tan ~ https://www.facebook.com/acupuncturemandaluyongmanila http://www.thewalkingencyclopedia.com/dr-fatima-tan/ http://acupuncturemanilaphilippines.blogspot.com/ Normally you shouldn't be too hungry or too full before having an acupuncture session.
Magbasa pa