
Whenever I eat after awhile my upper abdominal feel pain( more to bloated) very uncomfortable, coming 10weeks... Since Friday starting to be like this.. Any ways to reduce the uncomfortable?? Should I go see doctor for medicine? Or it normal?

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It’s normal... I had this indigestion(sometimes acid reflux) feelings almost through my pregnancy..not much appetite(only last trimester I started to have appetite) because the food I ate just feel like stuck there forever especially at night...can’t sleep properly.. Try to drink hot drinks and eat small but frequent meals.. If you don’t feel comfortable or concern, pls check with your Gynae.

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5y ago

Yea, the only feelings I had almost throughout the pregnancy... hungry but can’t eat, sometimes eat already acid reflux will vomit it out... Gynae advised to eat small portion more frequent, less oily food(coz make it more difficult to digest), lay down/sleep 45 degrees(not flat)... you can try... it helps a bit but still difficult to sleep for me... Towards last trimester should be feeling better and appetite will increase too 😊

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I have the same feeling too. My stomach is very bloated and gassy. My gynae prescribes me probiotic tablet to help with bloated problem. Just started eating haven't see any significant improvement yet.

VIP Member

I also have the same symptoms. So whenever that happened, I tried to take hot drink with my food or take soupy stuff.

Same feeling here!