appointment with o&g
When should I set an appointment with an o&g?

The moment i found out i was pregnant 7months ago.. i went to poly terus. Ask for refferal to ur own hospital choice and u will received a call from hospital in a week time. Usually doc will ask when is ur last menses. So from there they will kirakan bila is the right time to come for o&g and baby scan..
Read moreThe private gynaes only see from week 7 otherwise too small nothing to see from the scan, even vaginal scanning can only see a small sac.
If you want subsidies, you can go polyclinic to "double check" if you are pregnant, and also, they can refer you to a hospital. 😊
Thanks for this babe!
Yea go to a polyclinic. I went and told the dr straight up i wanted a referral to kkh, and I've tested at home twice
Alright! Will do such 😊
Got a bun in the oven