When is the right time to take your child to a dentist? My son is six months and has got two front teeth.

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Found some great tips here! http://sg.theasianparent.com/how-to-look-after-your-babys-first-teeth/ “First tooth, First birthday, First dental visit.” with a follow-up every 6 months :) Start cleaning the 2 front teeth already though, using gauze and distilled water. I've also read that it's good to bring your baby to your own dental appointments (if you ever find time for them!) so he/she gets used to the dentist's office and sees what adults do there.

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Try to make your baby's first dental appointment after the eruption of the first tooth and by his or her first birthday. A pediatric dentist will make sure all teeth are developing normally and that there are no dental problems. He or she will also give you further advice on proper hygiene. I

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