When does your LO respond to his/her name? Mine is almost 8 months but doesn't seem to respond much when I call his name. Should I be concerned?

Between the ages of 5 and 7 months old, most babies respond to their name being called. Babies are quite observant and at this age, their ability to associate sounds with objects or people is increasing. By 8-12 months of age, they can respond to simple commands like “no” and “stop.” At this age, they can also start to associate simple gestures with the corresponding sound, such as wagging your index finger while saying “no.” By 13-18 months old, toddlers are able to understand 2-step directions like “Stand up and hug mama,” or “Pick up your doll and put her in the toy bin.” By 2 years old, toddlers have a vocabulary of at least 50 words, which increases to 200 by age 3. HOW TO TEACH YOUR BABY TO LEARN HIS/HER NAME Simple: Say the name often whenever you talk to your baby. For instance, “Are you hungry, Eddie?” or “Did you miss Mummy, Stella?” Babies learn by repetition, so when their words, especially their name, is used often enough, they’ll pick up what the words mean. WHEN TO WORRY If by 1 year old your baby still does not respond to his/her name, it’s recommended to see a specialist. According to a study led by researchers at the UC Davis M.I.N.D. Institute, if by age 1 a child still does not respond to his name when called, he may be more likely to be diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder or other developmental problem when he reaches the age of 2. "Whether or not children respond to their names by 12 months of age is turning out to be a good early indicator of developmental issues,” Sally Ozonoff, senior author of the study and professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences with the M.I.N.D. Institute, is quoted in an online article published by UC Davis. Sources: - http://www.parents.com/advice/babies/baby-development/when-will-my-baby-know-her-name/ - https://www.babycenter.com/0_developmental-milestones-understanding-words-behavior-and-co_6575.bc - https://www.babycenter.com/404_when-will-my-baby-respond-to-her-name_6719.bc - https://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/welcome/features/20070411_mind_namestudy/
Read morehi mom, by 8 months of age your baby should be able to respond to his name. by his name i mean the name you use to address him by, which could also be a pet name. i think you should speak to your baby's doctor and get a hearing assessment done. do not worry, as it could also be a case of your baby taking a little extra time than other babies to reach that particular milestone. however, do show the doc just to make sure everything is as it should be.
Read moredo you call him by his name? i call my boy didi so he only reacts to didi and not his name. keep calling him by his name and he will eventually respond.
Check in your entire house hold if other persons calling her a different name. You must have one name to call him so he'll not be confused.
Only he doesn't react to your name? What if others call him? have you tried calling your baby by another nickname? like baby?
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Both names? Even if you call your LO with toys like use a bell to distract and all?
He reacts to bell sounds but mostly when he's sitting there playing/eating, I call his name he won't react. I call him baby and darling sometimes but he doesn't react to those either.
yes, only his English name :(