When can babies start eating eggs?

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You can give your baby eggs from six months, but it is best to make sure that they're fully cooked. You can scramble, poach, boil, or fry eggs for your baby, or share an omelette with him. See what your baby likes best. The important thing is to make sure that the egg is thoroughly cooked until both the yolk and white are solid. You can also give your baby foods containing cooked egg, such as custard. It's best not to give your baby raw eggs or lightly cooked eggs. Under-cooked eggs may contain salmonella bacteria, which can cause food poisoning. Also steer clear of any foods containing raw egg, such as mousses, homemade ice cream and homemade mayonnaise. If you're making a cake, don't be tempted to let your baby lick the spoon. A small number of babies are allergic to egg, but about half of these babies grow out of the allergy by the time they are three years old. When you give egg to your baby for the first time, just give him a mouthful or two to be on the safe side. Give it separately to other foods that can cause allergies, such as peanut butter, cow’s milk and fish. That way you will be able to tell if the egg causes a reaction.

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