Schedule for newborn

What is usually the schedule for one month old baby? How do I set it? Read somewhere that it’s good for babies to have schedule. Usually Js eat and sleep whenever he wants… if I were to set a schedule do I force him to sleep?

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Hi! I had the same question and could never really find good answers anywhere. My baby is now 4 months and is pretty routined - this is what I did Less than 2/3 month old babies not ready for schedule, don't stress yourself out. I kept trying to get my baby to wake and sleep at the same time but it just didn't seem to be right for my baby. They naturally sleep at later timings and there will be a lot of on-demand feeds. Just follow their cues! I started following wake windows around 2-3months old, and my baby started to fall into a routine on his own, though the variation was still quite huge (e.g. wake up anywhere between 6-7am). Now at around 4 months, length of naps in the day still vary, but he wakes up around 7.30-8am and sleeps at 10-10.30pm. He sleeps through the night and I wake him up around this timing if he does happen to sleep longer. The most important thing is to keep to their wake windows - I found this helped my baby build good sleep habits and naturally fall into a routine! It's around 30-45 mins max for a 1mo (even shorter if lethargic from jaundice). Around 1 hour for 2mo and now about 1h 30/45 mins for my 4mo. Sticking to the wake windows also helped me to put him in his cot at the right timing - so now he falls asleep on his own Just a caveat that I have an easy baby, so things like temperament and personality could change things too!!

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For us, the baby sets the major routine and schedule. We simply follow and do minor adjustments to it. For newborn, we prioritised the minimum required milk intake. Everything else worked around the feeding time. There’s no hard fact, whatever fits your lifestyle and if baby is healthy, you’re good!

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Idt you can set a routine for such a small baby. Just follow their cue, dotn set anything. Plus theyre still new to this world. I think 2.5 months or so then my bb had a routine, he himself set it. Like drink milk then 1.5hr later will confirm sleep. Then sleep within certain timing wakeup certain timing

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newborns are not ready for schedule until 2 months