What are the top primary schools in Sembawang?

These are the two most popular schools in Sembawang. Canberra Primary Endeavour Primary Canberra has a 100% PSLE pass rate for 2015. It is a very hot school. And the ballots are always oversubscribed! Canberra is also providing higher Chinese to all pupils since P1. For sports, they are known for soccer and Hockey. Endeavour's principle is from ex Nan Chiau and I met a Endeavour parent that had praises for the school. Only drawback is Endeavour don't offer Tamil in school. So less diversity.
Read moreBased on the awards given out by MOE, this list ranks Canberra Primary and Wellington Primary as tops in Sembawang. I have two cousins in their late teens now (in uni) who attended both primary schools and they received great primary education from both schools. Both were active in school activities and did consistently well academically. http://unofficial-sg-primary-school-guide.blogspot.se/2009/07/top-primary-schools-in-sembawang.html?m=1
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Canberra is the most popular in Sembawang. It was oversubscribed by 23 parents in 2015. Endeavour was oversubscribed by 8 parents.
Canberra for sure. If you look at the rankings for 2016 - Endeavor still has slots available at 2c supplementary.