What should I do if my child has stolen some candy from a convenience store? How does one approach this situation?

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First, don't panic. Such things happen. Most of the time it's because they don't fully understand the concept of 'buying' and 'taking' yet. Little fingers tend to be sticky, allowing foreign objects to mysteriously find their way into little pockets. If you're still in the store, return the item, and show him that you're doing it. Then leave, and once you're home, sit your child down. Ask why he stole. If it was because he desperately wanted that candy, help him think of alternative ways to obtain it. (If you refuse even to consider a child's request for a toy and won t help him find a way of purchasing it, don t be surprised if he simply takes it.) If the item was too expensive for him to purchase with his usual allowance, find extra work around the house that he can do to help pay for it. If your child is a toddler, then don't take this too seriously. Toddlers have no concept of ownership. Everything belongs to a two-year-old. Of course, if you were stopped at the store, then it can get embarrassing. So the key thing to do is to always be around your toddler, watching what he's doing (well, as much as you can, especially when you're out). Lastly, praise honesty: Your 5-year-old finds somebody’s wallet and brings it to you. Praise him to the limit for his action!

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