What are the pros and cons of the 6 years IP program in secondary schools? It sounds reasonable that they can go straight to A level without having to go through O level .. but anybody whose children are currently going through the 6 years IP program and can share more with me?

I would say it is gd that they can skip olevels so in a way less stress? But they must make sure they do well for their Alevels if not the Alevel cert is just equal to a NItec cert. there are some students who can do very well in psle but lost focus when doing Alevels n ended up gg no where
I don't have kids going through this program. But what i have read and heard about is that once your kid gets into IP it is hard for him to switch back to the normal system so make sure he is prepared for this and for the hard work.the program can be quite challenging for some I read
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