What kind of pajamas is recommend for hospital stay after delivery? 1) 2 pieces pajamas with front button, long sleeve and long pant. 2) Normal pajamas without any front opening. 3) Dress type pajamas without front opening. I am thinking which one to buy for my hospital stay.

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I think that you should think long term about what you want to wear at night at home. U will definitely want something that has front opening or can allow you to quickly access your boobs without stripping of everything. I delivered at TMC and in the end did not use any of my own clothes except for the clothes to wear home. Everyday they will bring u fresh hospital robes which was also bf friendly. Though not as pretty but time at the hospital passes very fast and unless you want to really look good and expecting a lot of visitors. I only had immediate family and 1/2 nuts or friends come in the 3 days i was there.

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