What fruit should I avoid if baby (10 months old) is having cough and phlegm? Or rather, what fruit is ok to give? My mom said don't give banana and all citrus fruit. How about apples, avocado, pear, strawberry etc?

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When my child is coughing with phlegm, I would just stick to apples and papaya. I would avoid banana (causes phlegm), citrus as well as berries and all the "liang" or cold fruits like watermelons and Chinese pear.. I have found steaming oranges with some pink Himalayan salt and then giving the juice to for her to drink helps to eliminate some coughing. I also find that apple soup (apples boiled with 川贝,南杏 and 北杏) when she's starting to cough helps to prevent it from getting worse. Some people may replace the apple with Chinese pear but I don't as I find that it is still quite "liang" for her constitution and she ends up coughing more.

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9y ago

Hi, I first gave the apple soup to her when she was 11+ month old. You may consider checking with a tcm practitioner for your baby.

Citrus is definetly a nono. Babies and toods tunmies are too sensitive and vulnerable. Advocado is a good option it has all the nutritional value in it. Apples, pear, carrots are all good options. Also oats instead of rice :) Here is a link to help you out : https://www.google.com.sg/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://wholesomebabyfood.momtastic.com/solidfood10to12montholdbaby.htm&ved=0ahUKEwiBkraL7oTPAhXGLY8KHW7vCwIQFgghMAA&usg=AFQjCNEnQ6CYRUBorWjjys3YLBtU_Ah3EA&sig2=1ivThV3i2GupRxby8oy26w

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Don't give citrus fruits such as orange, lemon, sweet lime, and tomatoes. Some may also avoid tamarind, curd, certain spices or sour foods.