what's the first solid meal you fed your baby? cereal? puréed vegetables? fruits? puffs? melts? am about to start and I wanna know where I should begin. :) would be good if you could share the brands/recipe too. thanks!!

I started with fresh purée when my son was 7 months old, simple 1-ingredient ones like steamed apple, steamed carrots etc. We never gave cereals or anything prepackaged because he didn't like their taste! Puffs and melts are more suitable when they're 9-10 months old, not when first starting out! Although you can technically start offering solids from 6mo onwards, please make sure that LO has shown signs of readiness before you start - 1) Can sit unsupported on his/her own 2) Shows keen interest on your food 3) Lost the tongue reflex when drinking milk You don't really need recipes because there's no salt/sugar/seasoning added to their food until at least 1yo (though I'd recommend to go as long as possible without), just use the natural flavours of food :)
Read moreyou can go cold storage for more choices, i will prefer to start with healthy times, earth best, etc as they are less sweeter. So baby will not start to be picky in earlier stage. If nestle brand, get the one without milk, less sweeter. Subsequently, u can get from iherb.com , delivery within a week, it's fast and hassle free too. Just make sure someone home or deliver to someone who will be at home everyday. For 1st timer can use "DQC001" for discount. Some of the popular brand that many mummies get from here.
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I started off with Friso rice cereals(can try the attached simple recipe), prepare in small portion and let LO explore the taste and texture, some other first food which I introduce will be apple,banana,papaya puree also in small portion... and then observe LO likeness on the taste and texture , also do check out if there's any allergy reaction.for example,I will introduce one new food and wait for another 2-3 days before I introduce another new food for LO to try :) Hope this helps :-)
Read moreI give my baby cereal at 4 months old as he got the urge of asking more milk so PD advise I go ahead with cereal. I choosen Friso Gold Cereal Rice as it was very hazzle free as all you need is to add water. As the cereal already come with formula in it. So it was really a life saver for me when i need to bring it out and mix for him. save time = whine less right
Read moreYou can start the fruits and veggy like apple, pear, carrot, avocado, potato, which have lesser allergies reaction. Food like Eggs, seafood, mango, etc which have higher allergies to babies, it's best to intro at later age, unless you are sure that ur family history is fine, u can give bit by bit to see is there any allergies reactions or not.
Read moreCereal mixed with breast milk. give about a teaspoon mix with the bm to provide the familiar taste. puffs and melts will only be recommended when the baby is crawling with his or her tummy off the ground or when baby is able to chew the food. do look out for signs of allergies during the process!
My Baby starts her first solid meal when she is 3 months - Friso Gold rice Cereal, as my baby is having Friso milk as her regular milk therefore is easy for her and is easy to make - just need to add hot water and stir well blend it well will do.
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Her first solid food was at 7 months old. I gave her Friso cereal by adding her Friso formula milk, so she still can feel secure to the taste of her usual milk.
I fed my gal all steamed puree 1st week - carrot puree 2nd week - pumpkin puree 3rd week - apple puree 4th week- potato puree Just steam and blend only!
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