What breakfast do you feed your toddler everyday? My 22 months old is a picky eater and she only eats dry cereal everyday.

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Oatmeal, bread with cheese/omelette/avocado, half-boiled egg (slightly more cooked)

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Pancakes, bread. Add in some sweetness or colour like fruits to encourage eating

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I was giving Friso gold cereal & recently start giving Mdm Ling bao 😋😂

rice, eggs, chicken for his breakfast while seeing baby bus in you tube

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My toddler likes eggs, bread, pancakes, soup and rice for breakfast.


Cooked oats with dried fruits and milk. Sometimes weetbix with milk

anything! she is not a picky eater.. she eat what we eat hahahha

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I give fruit yogurt, milk, bread, cooked rolled oats with fruits


try give appetite booster vitamins such as appelin or appeton.

add some fresh and dried fruits and nuts, can try with yogurt