I actually researched on perineal massage and believe in its benefits. However, I only got my husband to do it once. It was difficult to attempt by myself and not very comfortable. The massage is most effective on women delivering their babies by vaginal delivery for the first time. Other than stretching the muscle, it is said to lessen the stinging sensation when your baby crowns. I "escaped" with a very minor first degree tear and minimal stitches. I could walk around immediately after birth without assistance and I didn't even need painkillers, which really surprised the nurses. http://www.babble.com/pregnancy/perineal-massage-worth-a-try/
If this is your first childbirth, you may opt to do perineal massage to soften the vaginal tissues for delivery. I previously thought of doing this but changed my mind because perineal massage involves massaging the area between the vaginal opening and anus in the last weeks of pregnancy. Just thinking about it feels ultra weird to have someone massage it there. Also there are no guarantees that the massage will reduce vaginal trauma during delivery.
Yes there are no guarantees that is prevents a tear. It would probably help a little but the effect is either insignificant or not proven. I didn't consider this as well as the area is a little awkward. Probably would do it myself if I could but a bulging tummy makes it tough. Haha. http://sg.theasianparent.com/episiotomy_postpartum_care_in_singapore/
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