2 Replies

the doc commented on my baby for not walking instead - she is currently walking alot more than she was a month ago on her first birthday check up. but she's able to wave goodbye, points objects but not being able to clearly say mama and papa but she understands words. i personally feel defeated for baby who can walk HAHAHHAA but honestly....don't beat yourself up mummy. every baby will eventually reach their milestones - earlier or later. i was advised to continue interacting as she will have her speech tested during her 18 months checkup. i don't like this pressure but i just want this to be done and over with 😮‍💨

That’s what I have been telling myself too. Still, can’t help but feeling a little nervous about it. Hope to “pass” the next checkup

My 14 months old same thing too. She is active and she is yet to speak. Some kids develop pretty slowly. Keep talking, sign language, kids activity and give them between 15-18 months. Should this take pretty long, then you raised this concern to your child's doctor. Should they understand what we talk about or what they want, I am happy with it. While there are times it can be a concern, I would keep trying and not giving up.

Thank you for sharing. Much appreciated

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