I did induce before for first child at 41 weeks. Give birth only next day. Induce will be much more painful so tolerance level have to be really really good. And if you cant hold the pain then you can take jab, gas, epidural to manage the pain. Also sometimes expect the unexpected that when you are induce it may take longer when cervix doesn't open fast. So if you are pretty long in labour with waterbag already burst, have other options in mind like forcep, vacuum or c section. It depend on individual. I dont mean to scare you but this is based on my xperience and friends around. I am also due on 9 Feb, I told them to hold till 40 weeks, unless otherwise doesnt work for normal delivery with cervix not opening, then induce.
My 39w checkup is tomorrow. EDD 7feb. Hehe I’m super nervous too cos FTM. May I know Why doc asked for induction ?
As for me, baby and me, everything is fine. Just that doc wants baby out before edd(40weeks) hence, the scheduled induction this coming weds(1 feb 2023). To avoid complications after pass edd if baby still not out yet as placenta might not be supporting baby well with nutrients after edd as mentioned per doc. Hope all goes well for all of us, praying for you too! 🥰🤲🏼
How did it go? Pls share… getting induced soon.