Is watermelon too cooling for 15 mths? Cause my son love it lot
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Watermelon is great for Singapore's heat. Especially during hazy season. I don't see a problem with eating watermelon often, just be careful of the high sugar content. Also Observe your child closely as some people may develop allergic reactions to watermelon consumption, which can result in mild to severe rashes, facial swelling, or anaphylaxis. Those suffering from allergy to latex, carrots, or cucumber may be more prone to watermelon allergy.
Read moreI suggest can give some but can't too much.Or blended it as juice mix some water.
Too much of anything can be unhealthy and not good. Keep the portions small.
With moderation it's okay but not too much
How to know watermelon have moderation?:)
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Yes. i wouldn't agree in giving it
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