About baby behaviour My son is 1 year 1month old. He keeps biting and pulling hair. I shouted at him 2 to 3 times but he keeps repeating it what to do?
Do they understand if they are being yelled at

That's more likely to grab your attention. Sometimes kids don't know how to react when they feel anger or sad. You shouted at him at a tender age of 1. Where he doesn't know what could he be doing wrong. He is going to learn that only. Try and comfort him even he is sad or angry like this. Talk.to your child politely , teach him in nice words. Give him your time. Child will only learn what he sees, not what you are going to teach him verbally.
Read moreMy son was same until he was age 2 in half years. Even I join him in day care before it was same complain he us bitting anyone. But times goes and give him all attention it was go away that habit.
No need to shout. Just be with them , spend time with them , repeatedly say it's not good when he was doing it. Kid will obey but it will take time
Yes, they understand when you shout.
Mother of 1 active superhero